Anonymous ID: 6dc4c6 July 20, 2021, 12:12 a.m. No.14159399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9410 >>9942


Spyware reform critical as at least 180 journalists revealed as potential Pegasus targets

July 19, 2021 9:49 AM EDT


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New York, July 19, 2021 – In response to reports that at least 180 journalists were identified by investigative reporters as possible targets of Pegasus spyware, produced by the Israeli company NSO Group, the Committee to Protect Journalists reaffirmed its call for immediate action by governments and companies around the world to stem abuse of powerful technology that can be used to spy on the press.


“This report shows how governments and companies must act now to stop the abuse of this spyware which is evidently being used to undermine civil liberties, not just counter terrorism and crime,” said Robert Mahoney, CPJ’s deputy executive director. “No one should have unfettered power to spy on the press, least of all governments known to target journalists with physical abuse and legal reprisals.”


The reporting, known as the Pegasus Project, was conducted by a consortium including investigative journalism nonprofit Forbidden Stories and global media outlets such as The Washington Post. Amnesty International, which performed technical analysis, reported that more than 180 journalists had been identified by the consortium on a list of 50,000 phone numbers allegedly linked to clients of NSO Group technology. In a statement emailed to CPJ, an NSO spokesperson said there was nothing to link the 50,000 numbers to NSO Group or Pegasus. In a rebuttal published online, the company said the consortium’s allegations were false.


NSO has repeatedly told CPJ in the past that it licenses Pegasus to fight crime and terrorism. The July 19 statement said its products were “sold to vetted foreign governments.”


“NSO Group will continue to investigate all credible claims of misuse and take appropriate action based on the results of these investigations,” it said. “This includes shutting down of a customers’ system, something NSO has proven its ability and willingness to do, due to confirmed misuse, has done multiple times in the past, and will not hesitate to do again if a situation warrants.”


CPJ has issued recommendations to policymakers and companies to combat spyware abuse against the media.

Anonymous ID: 6dc4c6 July 20, 2021, 12:21 a.m. No.14159416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9453 >>9849


Project Pegasus


"Part of DARPA's Project Pegasus as a young child, and now a practicing attorney, Andrew D. Basiago seeks to end the U.S. government’s time travel cover-up. He claims to be one of America’s early time-space explorers, and revealed his experiences with time travel research and development.



As one of 140 American children involved with experiments with teleportation, during the late 1960s, he said the government was interested in developing a technology to transport the President and his family in urgent situations, and wanted to test the mental and physical effects.



The teleporter consisted of,


“two parentheses-shaped objects about 8 ft. tall,” around 10 ft. apart from each other, and inside the interior of the armatures were “tiny little ports that were generating a blue-green light.”


Between the armatures was a tuned-in field of radiant energy that the subjects leaped through, he detailed.



Via a device called a chronovisor, which generates a hologram, Basiago claimed he was sent back to around 1 million BC, a hot red-earth environment, where huge dinosaurs roamed. Later, he was teleported to the year 2045, to pick up intelligence data on the years between the 1970s and the 2040s, he said.


Interestingly, the year 2045 was a time of peace and environmental stability, he noted.



He referred to another type of technology to time travel to the past called Plasma Confinement, which allowed him to visit Gettysburg in 1863 to see Lincoln’s.



We need to adopt teleportation in the 21st century,


“as our principle means of long distance transport, simply to survive as a planetary civilization,” he commented.


Basiago will be presenting a lecture in Port Townsend, WA on November 20th. More of his intriguing story is recapped in his Coast to Coast appearance from last year.



In appearances on talk radio’s Coast to Coast AM with George Noory in 2010 (below video and audio), Mr. Basiago described at length a 1982 meeting with Barack Obama in Los Angeles in which Mr. Obama also revealed his awareness that he had been briefed on the fact that the U.S. government had detected that he was destined to reach the White House (see Part 3 on below video or audio at 00:29:19.)"

Anonymous ID: 6dc4c6 July 20, 2021, 12:26 a.m. No.14159432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9435 >>9453



Quantum access Tesla-based time travel

The first among these exotic technologies was quantum access Tesla-based time travel technology, developed in DARPA’s Project Pegasus (1968-72) under the policy oversight of then Nixon cabinet member Donald H. Rumsfeld.


Mr. Rumsfeld was later to play a pivotal operational role in the 9/11 false flag as U.S. Secretary of Defense on September 11, 2001.


A key whistle blower, Andrew D. Basiago, has emerged with evidence that secret U.S. time travel technologies were used as early as 1971 to acquire first-hand documentary knowledge about September 11, 2001 - fully three decades before the horrific events of that fateful day.


Mr. Basiago, a child participant in DARPA’s time travel program, Project Pegasus, has publicly stated how in 1971 he viewed moving images of the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 that had been obtained from the future and brought back to the early 1970’s.


DARPA is the chief research and development arm of the US military, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

DARPA created the precursor to the Internet, “Arpanet,” and has a penchant for trumpeting its advances, such as putting surveillance cameras on the backs of bumblebees and other exotic achievements in military science.


Mr. Basiago claims that DARPA’s secret technical accomplishments go far beyond what it has publicly acknowledged and that by 1970 DARPA had achieved teleportation-based time travel as well as advanced electro-optical means of discerning past and future events via different technologies that provide quantum access.


Mr. Basiago has described how while serving in Project Pegasus, he viewed moving images of 9/11 at the secured U.S. defense-technical facility where they were processed after being retrieved from the future, the Aerojet Corporation facility that once stood at the corner of Bullock Avenue and Leroy Place in Socorro, New Mexico.


According to Mr. Basiago’s whistleblower testimony, Donald H. Rumsfeld, the sitting U.S. Secretary of Defense on September 11, 2001, was the defense attaché to Project Pegasus during the early 1970’s, when Mr. Rumsfeld was officially serving as a counselor to President Nixon and member of his Board of Wage and Price Stabilization.


In all likelihood, Mr. Rumsfeld, as the defense attaché to Project Pegasus, would have known about and possibly had control over the data about 9/11 derived via “quantum access” and brought back to the early 1970’s for analysis by the DARPA research and development program under his administrative authority.

Mr. Basiago’s eyewitness account that Secretary Rumsfeld and others knew about 9/11 decades in advance because data about it was gathered via DARPA’s secret time travel program unlocks several of the more enigmatic facts in the 9/11 literature and may be the key to society’s unraveling of the ultimate accountability for the false flag operation that took place on September 11, 2001.


Andrew D. Basiago answers questions about Project Pegasus and 9/11

Q: Why would the US take part in 9/11?


Andrew D. Basiago: What I know is that in the early 1970's, Project Pegasus had moving images of one of the planes hitting one of the Twin Towers on 9/11; that 9/11 was known and spoken of by project principals; and that the defense attaché to Project Pegasus was Donald Rumsfeld, the individual who was serving as Defense Secretary during 9/11.


The evidence from Project Pegasus shows that the US government knew about the 9/11 attacks many years in advance, not necessarily that it "took part" in those attacks.


Q: If Project Pegasus knew about 9/11 before it would happen, why wasn't 9/11 prevented from occurring?


Andrew D. Basiago: That's a good question. What I know is that it was the consensus of the US officials administering Project Pegasus that information about future events should be used to engage in contingency planning for future events but not to "play God" and change the future by preventing or altering future events.

Anonymous ID: 6dc4c6 July 20, 2021, 12:27 a.m. No.14159435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9442 >>9453


A paradox exists such that acting to change future events based on prior knowledge of them results in diminished accurate knowledge of future events.


So, there is an institutional reluctance to change future events based upon prior knowledge of them because of the impact of doing so on the quality of the intelligence database concerning future events.


Q: How much information about the future has Project Pegasus learned about?

Andrew D. Basiago: My experiences in Project Pegasus indicate that by 1970, the US government was using chronovision to capture remotely and record on film a vast amount of footage of past and future events. When we visited the project location at Flemington, NJ - where I was shown remote images of the signing of the US Constitution in 1787 and saw George Washington and Benjamin Franklin as they appeared in life - we could see that the technicians there were filming reams and reams of scenes of past events on 16 mm film stock and storing it in film canisters. Presumably, this process is done digitally today.


Q: Is Project Pegasus still active?


Andrew D. Basiago: I do not know whether Project Pegasus is still active, but the intelligence infrastructure that evolved from it is in all likelihood very active at this time. Project Pegasus was a small, highly secret research and development program launched in the late 1960's.


However, the technologies that it developed gave the US government the keys to past and future events.


My guess is that the quantum access capabilities that Project Pegasus provided the US government are now headquartered at some form of national intelligence center that provides the President, the intelligence community and the military information about future events.


Q: Was just the military involved or was the government also involved?


Andrew D. Basiago: Project Pegasus combined individuals employed by the US military (Navy, DARPA), the US intelligence community (CIA) and civilian defense contractors (e.g., Parsons). It was a research and development program of the US Department of Defense (DoD).


Q: How could a father actually put his son through all of these violent and possibly fatal transportation experiments?


Andrew D. Basiago: It is my position that my father and I were proud to serve our country during its hour of maximum danger and were also privileged to be involved in America's early activities in time-space exploration.


My father did not involve me in Project Pegasus. Rather, we were approached by the US government and told we had to be involved for reasons that remain a mystery.


In all likelihood, we were identified by project personnel from the future, who knew from the perspective of their time that we had been involved in the program, and hence we were brought into the program to create the future program that had knowledge of our past involvement.


Q: Why was not an adult the one transported so that the information brought back might be more precise?


Andrew D. Basiago: Children were involved for five main reasons.


First, we were experimental test subjects into the physical and mental effects of teleportation on children.


Second, we were necessary participants because the holograms produced by the chronovisors would collapse if adults were involved and so small, cooperative, intelligent human beings were needed as the time travelers in the chronovisor probes, and therefore a decision was made to involve gifted and talented American school children.


Third, we were regarded as better participant-observers of the past and future events accessed in the program because children are tabula rasa - blank slates whose perceptions are not skewed by the selection bias produced by their previous experiences.


Fourth, we were trainees who were expected to become America's first generation of "chrononauts" in a fully fledged time-space program when we grew up.


Fifth and lastly, the Department of Defense found that when adults were involved in time travel, the psychologically destabilizing effects of moving between alternate time lines was causing some adult time travelers to become insane, so it was hoped that by training time travelers from childhood a competent cadre of US time travelers could be formed.

Anonymous ID: 6dc4c6 July 20, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.14159442   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q: How could a child possibly be put through all of this and also remember everything he saw or even understand what he saw or heard?


Andrew D. Basiago: I am a gifted individual with exceptional powers of observation and memory. These gifts were identified when I was being trained in Project Pegasus. In one test, I recited back random numbers provided to me verbally to 84 places.



I was identified as the future whistle blower about Project Pegasus even while I was still serving on the project. I have spent over 10 years investigating my experiences and proving them to an historical certainty. I am an individual who did remember what I saw and heard, so it is not valid to say that I couldn't have done so because a child couldn't or shouldn't have been able to.



That involves the fallacy of using the general to refute the specific. I not only remembered much of what I saw and heard, but I later wrote it down and went back and investigated it and proved my memories.



Consequently, I am now able to provide an insider's account of the US government's time-space program at the time of its emergence in the late 1960's and early 1970's.