Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 12:10 a.m. No.14159397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9400 >>9407 >>9415 >>9418 >>9457


Aluminum is pretty flammable stuff


Twice I have forgotten a pot on the stove

The aluminum bottom began to melt off

And the molten aluminum started burning


Most people don't realize that aluminum is so reactive, that most of us have never seen aluminum. We only see the oxide layer that forms almost instantly.


Now imagine what happens when a blast vaporizes liquid aluminum. It immediately burns generating gast quantities of heat.

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 12:16 a.m. No.14159406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9420 >>9493 >>9500 >>9545

Before COVID first started I was seeing patriots prepare traps and counters to a very real and deadly threat. I mean it’s even in the wording “adapted to the next threat” (one of many pre-virus hints to what would happen I’ve covered)


Trump has always been a counter-puncher and patriots knew COVID was coming, they set out traps.


The counters are necessarily built using the framework of the enemy ops I.e. everything COVID This is why things like vaccinations end up being a large part of patriot ops.


A whole bunch of guerillas are infesting country’s and are all hidden behind masks thanks to media hysteria, how do you counter that?


Vaccinations create a way to identify outside the Clearview method. The specifics of the identification in running people’s info is different from country to country and this is perhaps why the various vaccines used in each country are also unique – it’s not all done the same way.

So other solutions were made. In this sense it becomes less about the data and more about the funding, where did that money go? The billions and billions spent on VAXX? Just like with most other industries I suspect whatever they shot in people per vaxx cost a fraction of the cost of the program itself and then that money was spent on ops.


One of many promotions by patriots I could highlight.

Some are eager to identify themselves with Q and then immediately assert the exact opposite of the things Trump is clearly at the literal center of promoting.


I view vaccine deaths as unconnected to vaccines, I do think some vaccines are a problem, especially the MMR, but not the covid ones.


The deaths are in my view being driven by something entirely unrelated to what is supposed to be in the vaccines. Some aren’t getting what they are supposed to be getting, some people are being preyed upon, but it’s not “the plan” it’s a resistance to that plan that’s killing people. Vaccine deaths being promoted = something that dissuades people from taking vaccines. Optics.


That’s the power of an infiltrated movement, people pumped up by algo’s all over the web telling you what Q meant, being your filter.


Not just the algo pushers, but teams of clowns harassing’s people on social media anytime someone posts something outside the narrative. Try and post something pro-Vaccine on Gab and see the results for yourself. They want us at each others throat, angry at the wrong things, and sounding as insane as possible for passerby’s so the movement doesn’t grow.


I’m reminded “Adrenochrome” – symbolism for “Automated Dialog Replacement” ADR. Putting words in our mouths and making us all sound insane.

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 12:22 a.m. No.14159420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9468



Early on with Q there was an attempt to teach symbolism comms and it didn’t work. They successfully delayed the great awakening, and now all those ops that pushed people into insanity do the same thing with vaccine narratives. Instill fear, it creates conflict and forces people into divisions rather than uniting.


It’s a calculated manipulation of people. They understand many in conspiracy movements are ready to reject mainstream. Therefore they can place false concepts these people will accept so long as it’s opposed to mainstream. But then even explaining the mechanics of the manipulation is only going to anger some, nobody likes to be told they are wrong, so there’s no way for me to convince people outside of what I already do. Which is decoding, not always 100% accurately, but always as well as I can. : )


When Obama flipped the shills began a campaign demonizing him and his wife in every way possible. Obama isn’t clean,


I make it crystal clear in many posts that there’s a lot of dirt, however making you blind to when something huge like a major player flips is the kind of psyops you are constantly subject to.


I have unlocked secrets more than once just by taking whatever I see being pushed on patriots by the teams of roving pretend “patriot” clowns and then just reverse engineering why they are pushing it.


Obama promoting 17 Books on December 17th 2020.


I can’t read the whole thing, just bits of the first part, but I can understand the last bit. It’s about Guerilla’s and the ops that have been raging WW to track down. 17/17 comms being because these “missionaries” ops are being kept secret.


Homeland Elegies by Ayad Akhtar

Jack by Marilynne Robinson

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson

The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson

Luster: A Novel by Raven Leilani

How Much of These Hills Is Gold by C Pam Zhang

Memorial Drive by Natasha Trethewey

Long Bright River by Liz Moore

Twilight of Democracy by Anne Applebaum

Deacon King Kong by James McBride

The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel

Hidden Valley Road by Robert Kolker

The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson

Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn

Missionaries by Phil Klay

That last one the 17th Book “Missionaries” with 9 flyers in formation after a flipped shark…

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.14159441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9458 >>9472 >>9483 >>9556 >>9703 >>9704


Typical CLOWN posting

They want you to focus on one target

They personalize it and make it seem

As if this is the only one


The reality is that there are hundreds of thousands of photographers, model agents and evn models themselves

Who are acting asfindersto get fresh meat into the pipeline

Girls 12, or 13 years old who will have sex to get a glimpse of fame


And the CLOWNS want you to think that Rachel somehow started it all

But if you read Ray Chandler's 1930s novel, The Big Sleep

You will realize that this has been going on in Hollywood for a long time.

If you watched the film Live by Night (2016) about rum running in Tampa in 1926

Then you know that conning girls into becoming Hollywood sex slaves dates back even earlier

And if you watched the film Hugo (2011) about the work of Georges Melies then you realize that right from the beginning

In 1895, filmmaking was about illusion and deception.

Now you begin to wonder if Hollywood was created explicitly to deceive people

And cheat them out of whatever they had

And then you see The Illusionist (2006) set in 1880's Vienna

And it becomes clear that a well established con artist business

Had already established many of the techniques of deception

That later became the film industry

And if you know the true story of the Austrian Crown Prince Rudolph and his 17 year old mistress Maria Vetsera

Then you begin to understand how her death was faked so that she could give birth to her unborn child

Fathered by England's Crown Prince Albert Victor

The summer before.

Her new identity, of course, was Klara Hitler

And Albert Victor…

Is it any surprise that for his bar mitzvah

The royal family organized a special midnight magic show

By a magician named Adalbert Frikell

He was a regular appearing at the Egyptian Hall on Piccadilly.

Albert Victor fell in love with magic and illusion.

In the end he faked his own death and that of Maria Vetsera's sister Johanna

Whom he married and took with him to Chicago where they lived under the names Elias and Flora Disney

That's right, their son Walt is actually Hitler's half brother

And he too faked his death and ran off in a U-Boat to South America

It sailed up the Orinoco almost to the Colombian border

There Adolf and Eva Braun disembarked

And traveled to their hideout in the mountains northeast of Tunja, Colombia

Like the Berghof, it was a private aeries

They waited out the 10 years statute of limitations for war crimes before he moved to the Argentina Chile border area and even made trips to Colorado in the USA

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 12:43 a.m. No.14159468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9481


Q linked this PDF more than any other. It’s quite telling, and about counter insurgency, note it was released just days before Obama took control as POTUS. They knew what was coming.


Modern insurgency has a wide variety of motives with different goals – funded sometimes through third party orgainizations conducting charitable work.


“Charitable work” – reconcile with YouTube ops I’ve gone over in posts – constantly doing donation drives, what funds them? Tradeoffs for what exactly?


This is a meme I decoded as being the “Deal” as in a quick way to “move fast in space” by doing charity work. i.e. trading charity work for algo promotion/celebrity


Many if not most important larger structures are flipped based on what I can see in comms, which is to say the large countries and companies. You might expect that would fix the problem and Trump to be installed tomorrow but it’s far more complicated than that.


Instead of instantly winning, what happens is flipped platforms are used for patriot ops – like the Shark Teeth comms in this one on Youtube.


Or something like this on TikTok.

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 12:51 a.m. No.14159481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9515


This PDF in particular is worth going over to understand the nature and scope of the horrible fate that befell most of the world. The Author of much of it is “Peter Scott” A P.S. comm – secret info being conveyed.


“War criminals like Josef Mengele transitioned into the U.S. intelligence agencies, they set up in businesses in Latin America, enough to have planned and carried out the 1980 coup in Bolivia, for example.”


How did this happen?


“Dulles used his connections at the Vatican to smuggle war criminals to South America. Under cover of a Vatican-run refugee relief organization, he sent off some 5000 Gestapo and SS agents over a four-year period. “


Thousands of criminals moved just for this one little stretch of time in this one place! Some of the larger heads in crime were falsely claimed to be dead,


This gives weight to the global chess game being played, that even after winning the game by taking out the major pieces, there’s still thousands of pawns scattered all over the world.


How did they get there?


“Vatican continued a wartime arrangement of using Catholic monasteries and convents to hide OSS agents. The church provided identity cards. The Italian police provided false passports for allied agents; the visas came from the Argentine consulate in the allied intelligence unit based at Trieste; and the embarkation paperwork was handled by a U.S. State Department officer in Genoa. All of them worked for Dulles”


That Red Cross connection is worth pausing on.


Note Walt Disney as a Red Cross ambulance driver along with he Queen.


Know who was in Walt Disney’s unit? That’d be the guy behind McDonalds. This is said to be a coincidence that they just happened to be friends and then go from nothing to the tops of two of the richest multi-country empires in the world.


Note the Freemasonry symbol

And what entity in the U.S. empowers growth outside of funding?


04/15/2013 Revealed: How the CIA helped Disney conquer Florida


And whether it be Disney and using children or McDonalds being a critical infrastructure for housing domestic guerilla’s they all have a purpose outside of what is stated openly.


Or I should say they “worked” together, but even flipped we don’t see what many expect. The reason is largely due to fear.


The PDF Q linked also goes into the fear tactics used how when locals in these third world countries would speak out they would have Medical torturers destroy their lips forever, not just sewing the mouth shut but making it so there can never be a mouth using cuts and stitches. And when they forced a hole so the victim could eat they found that all of her teeth had been removed and two dog fangs–incisors—had been inserted in their place.

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 1:07 a.m. No.14159494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where did the name DeMolay come from? The name came from Jacques DeMolay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templars. The original nine members of DeMolay selected his name in honor of his high principles. The namesake of the Order of DeMolay was born in Vitrey, Department of Haute Saone, France in the year 1244.


DeMolay International is in the Philippines too!


Know your Greek?

μυοσωτίς means Mouse's Ear

Who does that remind you of?

Here is a picture of a Myosotis flower Forget-Me-Not


Now remember that Walt Disney is Adolf's half-brother

From the German speaking family that ruled Great Britain

And Crown-Prince Albert Victor, grandson of Queen Victoria

Is their father.


Following the First World War, Germany was plunged into a terrible economic crisis. In 1926, at their annual communication, the Grand Lodge of Germany gave its members a forget-me-not pin, to remind the brethren of their charitable obligations. The pin became widely used throughout Germany as a sign to remember the poor and distressed. Thousands of masons wore this pin in the years before world war 2, performing acts of service and charity to their many destitute fellows. This charity was vital during Germany’s depression.


However, that same economic crisis which called those masons to charitable action also propelled Adolf Hitler into power. By 1934, it was clear that Freemasonry was in danger. Hitler decried it as a conspiracy with the Jews to suppress national self-preservation. Goring stated “In National Socialist Germany, there is no place for Freemasonry.”

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 1:20 a.m. No.14159515   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Did Mickey slip in through the gate to begin the successful infiltration and overthrow of America?


Did an infestation of mice destroy Sennacherib’s 185,000-strong army?


Metaphorically speaking, yes.


“Mice” was how the neo-Assyrians were wont to describe their contemptible enemies, and the quote from the Book of Judith above is a perfect example of this.


Did not the Assyrian king, Tiglath-pileser, say about Rezin of Damascus:


That one (Rezin of Damascus) fled alone to save his life*** and like a mouse he entered the gate of his city.

(Sir Henry Rawlison, Assyrian Discovery, p. 246)


And, in the very same era of the Judith incident, we read this of Sargon II:


“Yet Babylon under Merodach-Baladan remained as a thorn in the side of Assyria, and in that same year Sargon attacked it for the second time in his reign. The Chaldaean had enlisted the help of all the tribes dwelling in the ancient country of Sumer, and for two years he offered strong resistance to the Assyrian Army. Finally, encircled in Dûr-Iakîn (Tell Lahm) and wounded in the hand, he ‘slipped in through the gate of his city like mice through holes’ and took refuge in Elam”.


The Templar Knights wereas poor as miceand had to share one horse between them.

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 1:25 a.m. No.14159524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9526 >>9529 >>9530



That is Adolf's daughter Herlind from when he impregnated Angela (Geli) Raubal, his niece who committed suicide when she was told the child would be sent to foster parents.


As you know, Herlind is Merkel's mother making her Hitler's great granddaughter and the great great great grand daughter of Queen Victoria

Anonymous ID: a5a3da July 20, 2021, 1:31 a.m. No.14159541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9549 >>9562


There is a CIA report on Adolf's movements in South America, first Columbia, and then Argentina.

He even visited Colorado once.


The U-Boat that brought him and Eva to his mountain hideaway near Tunja, Colombia travelled up the Orinoco river almost all the way there. He had a Berchtesgaden style retreat up high that most people in the area never even knew existed. He waited there 10 years for the statute of limitations on war crimes to run out.