Anonymous ID: fe91c6 July 20, 2021, 2:09 a.m. No.14159640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9705


Too many are still following the b/s propaganda from the government and BBC etc.

There is a large amount of cognitive dissonance many have been double vaxxed (so theoretically immune) but still think that they need to be 'tested' for the virus.

One person with a tracker app active on their phone and potentially hundreds of people with active trackers in the same area get pinged.

They then use events like the football matches to push the 'super spreader' events.

Many people succumbed to the fear and now are too scared to admit that they were wrong/stupid.

Boris Johnson had the rona and recovered and now he has it again and people are too dumb to think about how immunity works.

What is the definition of a disease/medical condition - the presence of identifiable symptoms.

What is the definition of - asymptomatic? Presenting no symptoms or evidence of illness or abnormality.

Anonymous ID: fe91c6 July 20, 2021, 2:18 a.m. No.14159668   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Protesters chant 'arrest Boris Johnson'

Freedom day and protesters demand Boris is arrested for his draconian measures.

People are fighting back.

Anonymous ID: fe91c6 July 20, 2021, 4:51 a.m. No.14160004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0007 >>0034

UK doctors are sending back Covid vaccines because there isn't enough demand

Covid vaccines are being sent back by GPs who can't fill appointments — despite there being nearly 6million Britons who've still yet to take up the offer, MailOnline has learned.

Surgeries could not get enough of the jabs at the start of the inoculation drive in December, with millions of Britons rushing to book slots.

But now demand has dried up in some areas, forcing health bosses to redistribute supplies to other locations where there is higher take-up.

No10's scientific advisers say the UK may have already hit maximum uptake in its inoculation drive, with the number of first doses being dished out every day having halved in a fortnight to fewer than 60,000.

Just 18,186 first doses were administered yesterday, in the worst daily performance since the vaccination campaign began in December.

Experts say Britain is reaching a natural end to its inoculation drive, with the number of people wanting a jab running low.

This is despite NHS England figures suggesting there are still 1.7million 18 - 24 year olds yet to be jabbed. Young people are more reluctant to get the vaccine because they do not see the virus as a threat, scientists say.