Betty Boop
a.k.a Big Breasts
Saves Bimbo from an initiation
In the secret spooky lodge of the mysteries…
But wait…
Betty Boop
Could she be the Stealth Bomber?
She is a bombshell after all, isn't she?
Betty Boop
a.k.a Big Breasts
Saves Bimbo from an initiation
In the secret spooky lodge of the mysteries…
But wait…
Betty Boop
Could she be the Stealth Bomber?
She is a bombshell after all, isn't she?
Organized crime groups are getting more sophisticated.
They have their own hacker and tech wizards
Radar, all-band radio monitoring
And they put infiltrators in local military bases
Russia needs these Stealth Fighters to keep up the attack.
A plane can leave a remote airbase,
Travel faster than sound
And monitor radio transmissions in a target zone
Before the criminals shut down their equipment
Remember that Globalist Organized Crime Groups
Came into Russia in 1991
And made a lot of crooked Russian businessmen very rich.
Many of those people are still around in stealth mode
Looking for new opportunities
And they are professionals, usually with military training.
The Silent War continues on many fronts
Seen on twitter…
Also, as an aside, never EVER let someone tell you how much power you do or do not have.
Your power comes from inside you. If you want more power, all you need to do is focus on your own personal development.
Stop looking to others for permission. Just do it.