Fauci is a LIAR.
"If if if if if if if if if if if you are saying [insert straw man here], then yOu'Re a LiAr SeNaToR!"
Fauci lied, people died.
You sound absolutely fucking terrified to the point where your only recourse is nothing but negation of reality.
Wow you're panicking.
>name one thing
just one? for your benefit? that's easy:
you being here trying to pass yourself off as a concernshill.
that's all the proof needed about reality as you're experiencing it and is visible to others.
Same strat with Milley
They were discussing how racist Republicans are.
How does this admin have the gall to berate us about skyrocketing COVID numbers while importing 1M + illegals in 6 months or lecture about unjust election integrity laws while distributing those 1M illegals mainly in Red States?
You know how you can read a person's intelligence by their eyes?
This guy looks like he has only enough braincells to put together a copypasta narrative of whatever he sees on CNN that day.
What a fucking sheep.