>Why was it designed this way? What message are they sending?
They worship the dick
Some years ago when I studied the Egyptian story about the missing giant penis of Osiris/Orion - we are talking about giants. I felt an urge to search for it also. I knew that it had to be portrayed somewhere in the heavens, as all true myths are. And there it was, staring me right in my face all the time in plain sight. My research was confirmed, as I discovered Orion was actually called Osiris by the Egyptians.
Modern images of Orion, which is Osiris portray him with a long sheath hanging between his legs for his sword. No hunter or soldier puts their sword between their legs. However, the ancients were not afraid to draw him as the heavens depicted him in all his glory. There was Osiris penis hanging above our heads in space all this time in Orion, one of the most favorite and recognizable constellation. The sheath in this image below is closer to how this constellation should be portrayed. It takes very little imagination to see it.