Prior post
“I hope this is the “real nightshift anons” tonight
For all who comforted me on my post and all those that said silent prayers without comment, this is why I know God and my brothers are with me! WWG1WGA is true and riteous!
And we autists and anons care for all who come and are on the planet (as long as their soul and requests are sincere)! By One little request by me, I received in response truly honorable, by anons that gave me the love and light of God.I cant tell how truly grateful I am!.
For those that posted and for those that said their silent prayer, I really felt the response and sincerely appreciate the support, love and strength you are sending me. I’m usually not a crybaby but I’m crying right now, knowing that i asked for prayer for me, and i got the outpouring of heaven!
TY true and pure autists and anons! WWG1WGA truly