I sincerely don't understand the creation and use of the meme making Trump look like Alister Crowley. Do people not understand what an evil fuck that POS was? Why would someone do this???
Why do people still watch TV in the current year?
I hope you're not being serious with this. Crowley was an antichrist in his own words.
Its dumb, it doesn't accomplish anything. It was made by someone who is either very naive or worse.
Yes. I don't think you know much about Crowley to be honest. He was an evil individual and his own mother called him "the beast." As in the beast of Revelations. Are you even familiar with OTO and the rest of it?
Why do you only use the same shit-tier memes over and over? Your work is crap and you run it into the ground. Geeze.
Jew on Jew fuckery. Yawn.
Lets send help.
Fuck off grandma.
It took you this long to cut and paste from your google search? Damn.
Crowley was a satanist. What more do you need to know?
>The Kabbalah and the Talmud are two in the same. The Chabad are close observers of both
>Are you saying all these Jews are Satanists?
If it walks like a duck….
True enough. But that doesn't mean we won't go though hell before this is over. Just look what the past year plus has looked like. For all I know we won't see an end to this mess until Christ returns.
Then why are so many dying from it?
One was real actual history.
He's right. But what he doesn't know is that he and his ilk are considered the zombies.
Yes. Usury is a sin.
You know western engineers warned the Chinese against building many of these dams.
Last year was bad, this year is looking to be worse. It doesn't pay to be a Godless commie.
Oh yeah, their history proves that in spades.
These lawsuits will end up at the Supreme Court eventually.