why do you need a fake one, I thought the FBI already supplied those to you?
so trump gets accused of incitement, BUT the FBI actually does it. Nothing but Faggots in the FBI.
and more.
it is interesting that we have a real clash of the titans being set up. First we have a Kraken now Pegasus. WE just need Perseus now and a clockwork owl.
yes that happens in the movie also. City of Argos.
There are 12 main Olympians, interesting the Olympics are happening now as well. 12 disciples, that number repeats a bunch of places especially in Revelation, for example.
187 total times in the bible i believe.
i think this battle is what also has been called in sumerian stuff the war of the giants. OTher cultures talk about this as well. Giants especially proliferate norse stories in the eddas.
wrong …yahweh is a desert pagan deity. jews worshiped satan from the start. This is not the same God Jesus called Father.