Dumbass fucktard Mitch
The question you should be asking, Jim, is why did a million America loving Americans gather in DC on January 6th from all over the country (ehem, because of massive election fraud), and why would a couple hundred sacks of shit (probably hired by the FBI), break windows and doors to make the million look like an “insurrection” followed by damn little talk of the fucking election fraud!?Q?!@#???
I was there that day Jim, in the crowd of a million… if our intention had been to rip down OUR Capitol building to the ground full of seditious traitors… believe me, it could not have been stopped. That did not happen, because THAT was NOT our intention.
Love ya, Jim.
But snap out if it… you’re looking like an ass.
Sedition and treason!
A fuckton more serious than broken windows and doors. And “Ashli Paulson” is ashes in the ocean already.
A failed country provides no pension. He’s either taken his illgottengain out of the country’s dollars… or he’s expecting his ‘payoff’ to come from somewhere else.
Proof of Compliance, is more important to [Them], than killing you with either bio weapon or vax.