>>14168938 (/lb)
>Welcome to hell
You're only referring to your own mind. Nothing to do with me, I never 'entered' that to be 'welcome' to it.
>Satan has always been in charge of the World (not of the Earth).
That's what a Satanist tries to convince themselves out of resentment of the fact they (you) are not God.
>The God of the Universe is much more complex than any human created religion could concieve.
Yet you're sitting there trying to 'educate' anons on the truth of God?
Like most ideologues of self-alienation, of hatred towards God, of an alleged primal 'dialectic' at the source, you can't avoid contradicting yourself. The inner contradictions if your own ideas manifest in negating your own actions.
Look up 'performative contradiction'. The content of what you say contradicts the actions you yourself are making.
>I do like that bit from Yeheshua about simply loving one another.
You mean getting into bed with evil akin to 16th century occultists? You mean 'tolerance' of torture, rape, and killing of children?
You mean you believe it's possible for love and hate to unite?
>Alas, that is too hard for those divided by loyalty to their religious sect; Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, etc.
By positing 'Yahshuah' you posited a religious sect.
Again self-contradiction.