Back in the 1930s some people had a plan…
Weaponized Influenza
They figured that if they warned us about it
And we did nothing
Then we would be responsible for our own deaths
Not them!!!
That way they don't collect any Karma for their actions.
Somehow I thinkGod's accounting department
Has ways of tracking responsibility through the most devious karma-laundering so that the payback can go to the right souls.
How To Take Over The World
Introduce A Weaponised Influenza
Flood Newspapers And Radio With Death
Shut Down Shops And Churches
Use Law Enforcement To Stifle Dissent
Parade The Sick And Dead
Inject A Vaccine To Sterilise The Workshy
And Euthanize The Old
The People Who Own The Banks
Now Own The Hospitals
This Is Their Plan
To Own
Remember to put your mask on
Whenever you leave the house
Remember to put your mask on
It's what the law allows
Remember to put your mask on
Whenever you go outside
Remember to put your mask on
Lord knows we tried…