we just need to start calling each other democrats
trying to get my 89 yo father to stop watching pro sports- this causes MAJOR DRAMA in the house.
He doesnt care they are baby fucking assholes that sold out to communist china. He cant separate the palyer politics from the play
we reclaim what they sullied. Not puh tray uts but democats. Bwahahaha
He's right we got tons of illegals here already, but sauce man.
>>14170444 ypu dont understand how information warfare works. but whatever.
fuck. Maybe someone found their dirt on them or their family. Getting the vax doesnt work. If ther eis a varient that's a whole NEW BUG. I'll take muh chances.
if you cant stand the heat being in a public job we have a saying for that. If you cant stand the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen. Suck it up buttercup. I;do you goddman job for half the pay anf be twice as good.