What if I told you that what looks like Chinese Communism we see in America today is actually the work of the British Crown. Who had their foot in China a long time? Who had their foot in America a long time? Head fake. Misdirection. But still a 5th column. Like LightOnConspiracies dot com mentioned, "The British Army may have withdrawn in 1776, but Britain’s bankers and lawyers dug in, and have never left. Now, a British company named Serco is being tapped by the SES (US "branch" you never heard of Senior Executive Service) to finish the job of bringing the American colonies to heel." Just change the country and company names and it all falls into place. It totally explains the lockstep of the left to cancel America and American sovereignty. <pic relatedCastle Rock (think Britian) comes to mind as well with their 1.8m+ American companies in their pocket. SERCO and the Senior Executive Service is a BIG PART of the 60% that could not be revealed to the public, per Q. Otherwise we would want our "allies" heads to roll. That will happen, but by their own serfs. I'll give you a link below, with sources, to get newfags up to speed. Searches of "serco" and "ses" will bring info for everyone's thirst for more truth. SERCO is worldwide with their web in many governments. British Crown be DAMMED! Sometimes the blood of [their] Crown Agents will have to be spilt to refresh ]our[ Tree of Liberty. Let it flow. "No American ever won a war by going out and dying for his or her country. They won it by making some other dumb rat bastard die for [theirs]." - Patton quote updated by me for today's times. I'll settle on mass deportations from America to perhaps GITMO. And let the serfs of England inherent the treasure of Bitton's elite and rOYALs. England can hang their own rat witches, bitches and bastards. Oh my! Bloodlines, rOYALTY, and those who follow the mantra of "Do as thou wilt" divides this world. It's time we divide [them] FROM this world. Nothing can stop this mass agreement in thinking. [They] are never punished for [their] crimes, until NOW! The Brits are all up our ass. We need to take a good hard royal dump and shit them out along with the SES.