Burn Loot Murder ? Where was the FBI when the cities were looted and have facial regonition in all these cities
BLM and FBI both take the knee and let the cities burn and get looted
BLM an idea ?
Protecting the looters ?
Shameful !!!
Burn Loot Murder ? Where was the FBI when the cities were looted and have facial regonition in all these cities
BLM and FBI both take the knee and let the cities burn and get looted
BLM an idea ?
Protecting the looters ?
Shameful !!!
FBI protects Antifa and BLM and allow the looting of majior us cities and take the knee for Marxism !!!
Protecting usa ? where were they ?
Human trafficking ? Where were they ?
Did F_I have a plot to kidnap gov of Michigan ?
water island and epstein island
Human trafficking Center ?
Why did FBI let Antifa Loot and burn down and destroy business in major cities ?
When will the GOP ask this question of the director ?
this is an idea ?
FBI afraid of Antifa and BLM or are they Antifa and BLM
Biden taking Adrenchrome ?
What was biden doing on water island ?
FBI design the jan 6 insurrection ?
Why not arrest BLM ?
FBI attack the capitol and plotted ?
Why didnt FBI arrest Antifa and BLM
where was GOP ?
What percentage stopped BLM and Antifa from looting business burning down 5 states in arson and murdering and robbing business ?
Where were they ?
Why were stores being looted?
Why were these people bailed out ?
When will GOP ask the director ?
CA burned down by arsonBLM antifa ?
What percentage stopped looting and arson in majior cities ?
Facial recognition ? cannot put these peopel in jail ? How could they protect us from terror ?
Thats why 2nd amendment is important
What percentage of FBI stopped the looting ?
Facial recognition ?
where was the director ?
Election Fraud where are they ?
What percentage stopped Election fraud ?
After looting by BLM antifa the director did nothing and said BLM antifa is an idea ?
What constitution is the director defending ?
Idea ?
What about the terror of election fraud ?
What did they not stop election fraud and lootign of majior cities ?
What did the director do to stop Epstein ?
Terror of election fraud ?