>personal/individual rights increased or decreased
I'm sure the "vaccines" are perfectly safe
It's just pure coincidence that people die soon after the injection of nano-particles and graphene
>The BEST is yet to come!
well, let's hope it happens soon, before we are all fucking dead at the hands of the psychopaths in control
>Don't you just hate science deniers?
>life extension
Soros supposedly gets regular transfusions of young blood
Hillary too
It's obvious that they do because some of them are so old but keep going, like Queen Elizard/beth/Soros/Pelosi/Kissinger etc
He and CNN sure pull a big crowd
In the horse race that is life, Self Interest always runs first
As for the FBI faggots, if there are any good agents left, they are complicit in the FBI enacted false flags and evil taking place if they do not speak up
"Delta" is being pushed really hard now around the world
Whatever the plans of the Cabal, it seems that getting the world population "vaccinated" with their poison is crucial to their plans