Another example of how they protect their own.
FBI/DOJ, at the tippidity top top, committing crimes, Comey/Strzok/McCabe/ and all the rest, no indictments, no Grand Jury, no charges, no accountability, NO NOTHING as they walk the streets thinking and believing they're untouchable at the Great Unwashed expense.
Just amazing NO Justice, JustUS.
They win we lose, again and again and again ad infinitum….
CV-19, just another racket to control dissent, from the massive unsustainable debts government worldwide have totally fucked up, mismanaged making promises for votes they knew they couldn't keep, pension collapse etc….
Solution, and cover-up, Klaus Schwabs WEF 'Build Back Better' AKA, ww Communism. This time it will work they say, as the bodies pile up like they're doing now with the CV-19 CON.