Hitler was a tool for the cabal.
It wasn't about "white power"
it was about German citizenship
and ridding the country of enemies of the state
which the Jews should admit was largely THEIR MISTAKE
if you really look into the history of WWI and the Russian revolution
If you look closely you can see the cabal's dance.
Edwin Black (a Jewish family) wrote several books on this history.
Seems the Jews didn't really buy into the idea of moving to some rocky desert plain to create a homeland. They needed to be pushed. Many Jews served in the Reich who were trying to form a state of Israel.
Odd, though, that a Nazi Jew named Soros was funded by the banks in order to bankrupt entire national economies and now moves in "polite society" like an innocent man.
The cabal used the good Jews to camoflage the work of the bad Jews who had ideas of world domination as their inherited right given by God Himself, or so they believe.
Catholic church does the same thing.
The people are very good people
but the controllers are very worldly men
who also believe it is their destiny to rule the world , uh, upon the return of the Messiah, of course.
That leaves the bankers and Great Britain.
Good people.
But I've heard that there is a plan
and that the reason that a King must marry a virgin is because THAT IS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS JESUS WAS BORN FROM
all theory
all conjecture
all the math is there to figure it out if you can
but we're stuck with theories
the Bible doesn't say anything about it in reality
it's all a fiction
there is always a hero
and the cabal always tries to do away with heroes
cuz they think only THEY can rule properly
only THEY are pure enough