His handlers probably figure they could let him roam free this time since they know nobody was going to watch the damn thing and the audience was family, friends and handles and hand picked journalists.
>we should neck ourselves for this faggotry!
Why would we do that? We use the ghey for good to defeat the evil ghey
He could easily have been a criminal and the clan necked him and tossed him in the bog.
These archeologists and scientist are so obsessed with relating every ancient things to temples and religious sacrifices etc.
Read this opinion piece last week (bugger if I lost the link) where the writer was going through the outcome of the audit and that nothing will change with the President but the senators and congressional candidates can be dealt with.
I was like what a load of crap. The cheating President should be treated just like everyone. As if the person being president gives him some sort of protection from that.