Code "i'll-sleep-when-i-die" Monkey was always inspiring
but this takes the KEK
Ayn Rand -
individuality is good but her concept is a bit grand for my taste
(besides, wasn't a very nice person irl)
just wanna be myself don't have to be heroic figure
just. me.
Russia #2 >>13163805
r u the creator?
if so, it was extremely well done
thread has more now, not all just on terrain theory - hope the op will forgive the addition on covid stuff that seems relevant
(it's like there is a gap between what md's assume atm and where they might go in the future - mebbe as the result of covid lies - funny how the most outrageous lies can sometimes lead to the greatest scientific revolutions)
added to thread, kek
great story
people always ask, 'is it real?'
i believed u but it didn't matter,
it's real in every way that matters
just wondered
but did add the book recommended to that thread, top notch reviews why not?
nobody is lowly but some are modest
anon friend once had a really hot story - from a personal source who happened to occupy a key position, so was a direct eyewitness. problem was how to alert anons to an unfolding international incident w/only personal sauce. Finally located a small AP clip mentioning incident earlier in the day - with that sauce, could post with credibility - got that story moving.
Anonymity is great for some purposes but there are times when it kind leaves ya scratching yer head about how to proceed.
Understood. We do what we can with the tools we have. Because i post here, i seldom post elsewhere to avoid self-doxxing. Best way for me, but we all play different roles.
Time to turn in, goodnight to you, and thanks.