Been here 4 yrs
Never banned
Just got banned for post 14169231 from yesterday asking why jew research was in catalog
Been here 4 yrs
Never banned
Just got banned for post 14169231 from yesterday asking why jew research was in catalog
Dont ask why catalog is fucked up you will get banned
I used to think shills were sliding about bans
Qr is comped
My post asking why this shit in catalog was deleted
Go look at catalog its fuked
Banned yesterday for a pic of catalog
Jew research
Asking why it was top of cat
Dont know how to make changes to cat
Just a twitterfag
Didnt see the comped shit till now
Someone banning people for no reason
Need to speak to the manager
On phone
Your ban was filed on wed 21 July and will not expire
My exact words
Why has this shit been in catalog all day
Been here since 11 1 2017
Work 10 hrs a day
Didnt notice JR in cat til yesterday
Dont know how to post ban from phone working on that
Figured ot out
Yeah but I was here and I lurked for months on 4 chan before I posted
Have 3 laptops full of shit
need this ban lifted
Can someone honest lift this ban please