Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 352a77 1416241 📁
May 15 2018 00:32:59 (EST)
>>Why was Preet Bharara fired?
Supposedly because he refused to resign, but he was instrumental in extorting Wall Street Companies and Banks using the 2008 crisis. He funneled money into the Obama administration for distribution to Left groups and Cabal network.
He also gave cover to Schneiderman who quashed any investigation dangerous to Cabal interests, like the sex rings, and Weiner laptop investigation.
He was fired to stop the extortion racket and to bracket Schneiderman.
>>Why was the NY AG just removed?
Publicly because of sexual assault accusations, but the real reason is he knew he was named by Mack as one of the Sex Cult protectors and maybe member. Given his perverted proclivities…probably a high ranking member. He's a casualty of Mack singing her way to a lesser charge.
>>Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?
New Yorker. Has major cred with the prosecutors of NYC. Is hooked in to them and knows the real score in NYC. Rudy may have been working with Huber as there are probably emails on Weiner's laptop that fall under his investigation. Also a possibility that he was working with Mueller as a side asset unknown to his for his team carefully selected for their obvious bias.
>>What must be cleaned first?
the investigative agencies.
the prosecuting agencies.
>>Who investigates?
Depends on jurisdiction. For kidnapping and cross state criminal activities and organized crime…the FBI who coordinated with local police.
>>Who prosecutes?
For federal crimes, DOJ. For State crimes, state AG office, for city…District Attornies. All levels must be cleared for it all to work properly. Assholes at the top of any of these can hinder or block a prosecution.
Evidence previously quashed can be brought forward. Indictments handed out. Arrests made. Trials. BRING THE PAIN!!
4 10 20 activates SESSIONS. SESSIONS goes medieval.
Not if it happened prior to campaigns or is not associated with the campaigns.
Oh hell, yeah. As head of MI he was sitting on top of the group who was watching the CIA and FBI commit treason. Probably one of the group who asked POTUS to run. He knows it all, and BHO knew it which is why he tried to steer POTUS away from appointing him DNI. From there he could wreak havoc. POTUS ignored so they took Flynn out.
>>Define “On the Record.”
Official. Reportable. Actionable. The interview with Flynn was thought to be off the record. That's how they entrapped him to remove him.
>>You have more than you know.