Was Joe Biden Replaced By A Robot?Police cars revolving light
New evidence just in. I'll say one thing for Don Le Mon, he doesn't let anything phase him…
Was Joe Biden Replaced By A Robot?Police cars revolving light
New evidence just in. I'll say one thing for Don Le Mon, he doesn't let anything phase him…
Dr. Fauci & Jen Psaki Vaccine Presentation
Fauci and his assistant, Jen Psaki explain how vaccines work at Kermit's party, what could go wrong?
Short summary
Whenever they mention "EQUITY" is really means bringing down the middle class to the lowest level.
Miss Information on the lumber shortage…
Despite apparent lumber shortage data released for several consecutive months by industry associations, including the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), self-declared “lumber-shortage truthers” have taken to social media to dispel what they see as a hoax.
These lumber conspiracy theorists assert that the shortage has been contrived to drive up prices in an industry that actually has plenty supply to go around — and those behind it are profiting while pricing out potential homebuyers from achieving the American dream.
“This right here is what they call telling us we’re having a lumber shortage,” TikTok user nikkistimely0 says in one video posted on TikTok, and then Facebook at the beginning of May, while driving by a lumber yard that displays stacks upon stacks of lumber.
“That’s why the price of wood is so high; because we apparently have a lumber shortage. But there’s rows and rows and rows like that — just, they’re just slowly handing it out. Look at that. But we’re in a shortage, and that’s why prices are so high.”
Individual sleuths who claim to have an inside look into the industry have also taken to social media in numbers to give their personal testimony to the shortage. TikTok user kevinturner363 says in a video on the platform that he’s a flatbed truck driver with first-hand experience in the matter.
“The third-party lumber buyers, they have this lumber stacked up as high as the forklifts will go,” TikTok user kevinturner363 said in a video on the platform. “They’re holding onto it and just barely trickling it out a little bit here and a little bit there to keep prices drived up. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes. That’s what’s going on.”
“When COVID hit, that’s when I noticed that the sawmills never slowed down, but the lumber loads count went down,” he added. “So that told me right there that somebody’s holding onto it.”
MORE Miss Information
"people's fundamental rights were being violated by the last president"
Do you have dental insurance?
"When comes to cost perspective, root canal followed by dental crown can be more economical than getting tooth extraction followed by replacement."
But not sure if other options like below would be cheap too
There are several options for replacing the missed tooth, such as dental implants, partial dentures or dental bridges.
Dental crown is needed even after undergoing root canal treatment in order to give strength to the tooth structure. A dental crown can hide the tooth discoloration caused due to root canal.
Personally then I would pull it and get alternative mentioned in articles.
Root canals look very painful(never had one though) with multiple visits and who knows what is in the shit they put in your tooth mentioned in previous article.
"gutta percha," a dental material that replaces your damaged pulp
A documentary called “Root Cause” is available on Amazon but has been removed by Netflix. Root Cause details some of the medical concerns about root canals and jaw bone infection.
And if it the last tooth in the back, you might not even have to replace it (no gap) just a little less chewing in the back..
Dr's talk at the end of this clip..
Root Cause is a movie length documentary featuring expert opinions from cutting edge doctors and dentists from around the world, that exposes the true health effects of the root canal procedure.
I would make sure they put you on antibiotics pre-anything or at least make sure they do right afterwards, so the germs don't enter your blood stream.