Anonymous ID: 1536fa July 22, 2021, 12:37 p.m. No.14175707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5736 >>5739 >>5740 >>5763



the amount of hoops

-b/g check for every member of the house that you have to cover

-first,last,security deposit

-one time pet fee of $250 per pet + $35 a month per pet added to rent

-lowest decent price is around $1,500/mt

-must have job for past 2 years (so moving from another state to a new job = fucked)

-app fees per adult

>minimum 600 credit score so if you pay cash for shit rather than have paperwork, you're fucked

that's just the shit i remember off the top of my head

like fucking circus o lay anymore

Anonymous ID: 1536fa July 22, 2021, 12:47 p.m. No.14175777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5810 >>6095


was born and raised there

family lives there

famanon i'm living with has current job offer at around 100k/yr from a former boss they used to work for wanting him to start as soon as yesterday

wamenz are smoking hot there

plenty of entertainment

plenty of reasons for quality of life and potential growth rather than a shitty gov stepping in the way as there's almost one per every state these days


kek yea

put it in laymen terms

>pardon the gay

this isn't your review in pic related is it?


that's the hard part is finding private homes for rent/sale

looking for fsbo with owner financing preferably as we'd rather own than rent

might just have to go oldschool and drive around looking for places

we've got some money to put down for that case


no idea

they probably have some kind of government program for them these days that white people will never qual for

Anonymous ID: 1536fa July 22, 2021, 1 p.m. No.14175861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


crazy thing is the housing value is way down from the early 00's

used to do landscaping on properties that were easy 750k-1mil and those same style houses today are around 250-300k

it's just the regulations that are strangling with all the extra fees then fees for those fees

handshake deals and a person's word is the thing of the past it seems