Anonymous ID: 4edb70 July 22, 2021, 2:42 p.m. No.14176465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In 2004, a micro-protein was discovered…


It is around one thousand times smaller than a putative “virus” with a mere 37 base pairs in its genome. A “Virus” is assumed to have 30 to 40 thousand base pairs (as the existence of viruses is but a postulate waiting for proof, the number of base pairs, as with all other attributes, can be nothing more than speculation.) This micro-protein has, further, been discovered in the genomes of mink, sheep, goats, lions, more than 100 types of bacteria and even in a papaya fruit. It is found in 74 places in the human genome. It is probable that all mammals use it to build their cells.

For the purpose of this plandemic, this micro-protein was renamed “Sars-Cov-2”.


In the majority of “tests” it fails to detect the micro.protein which is always present! A “positive” PCR “test” result is equally meaningless because this micro-protein has, obviously, no connection to any malady of any sort.


tldr: Portugal ruled that PCR results could not be used for diagnosis, without that assumption, COVID deaths are nonexistent.