From promotion to release big budget films may be the most visible thing that has or could ever exist. They cost tens of million dollars to make, but in return hundreds of millions of people are bombarded with their imagery for months. Social media, newspapers, talk shows, restaurant promotions, everywhere.
As a way to convey information there are none more visible day-to-day. That makes them a valuable tool to send messages with. In this post what I found in decoding Pixar films was surprising, demonstrated just how big a deal a kids movie can be. (promotion of Al-Waleed’s takeover plan)
Now it’s time to look at their biggest competitor
Despite being a competitor, they are no less leftwing than Pixar.
Understanding the background helps us understand motive.
I’ll be going over their newest film, but to understand it first let’s do a bit of prep….
What celebrity is most associated with Donald Trump as a parody?
09/17/2017 Alec Baldwin Wins Emmy for parodying Donald Trump. “Most Important TV Performance of 2017”
Reconcile that with this Baby balloon that would follow Trump around and made headlines all over the place.
Add those two together and what do you get? Well…. DreamWorks hired the most famous Donald Trump impersonator to voice “Boss Baby”
A film about a blond baby that dresses in a suit and tie, and acts like a CEO. – Currently the sequel was released this month, but let’s take things one step at a time and go over the first one.
So the first film came out 2 months after Trump was inaugurated, but wait you might say…. the timetables don’t match when you dig into it. Baldwin was cast in 2014, and he started playing Trump in late 2016?
Of course not… As I go into in this post Trump was picked to run by the democrats a long time before he actually ran.