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Posted By: Ribicon, 7/22/2021 2:51:08 PM
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PCAP is an abbreviation for “Packet Capture”.
Data travels over the internet in packets that can be easily intercepted with specifically designed software or hardware.
Packets are relayed over many nodes and jumps between the origin and the recipient.
Any of these relays or networks in between are able to capture packets which pass through.
JUST-IN: France's National Assembly adopted Article 1 of the vaccine passport (#PassSanitaire) during the first reading. The bill provides for the extension of the government's health crisis management regime until December 31, 2021.
1:10 PM · Jul 22, 2021
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:09]
Just having 100 Gorillabytes of packet captures means nothing on its own since packets are being sent constantly back and forth over the internet.
The fact that you are able to read this message means you are receiving packets in real time.
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:11]
Since packets are sent back and forth constantly with any amount of jumps or networks in between, anybody along the route could theoretically capture the packets holding your online banking password and steal your money.
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:09]
Just having 100 Gorillabytes of packet captures means nothing on its own since packets are being sent constantly back and forth over the internet.
The fact that you are able to read this message means you are receiving packets in real time.
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:11]
Since packets are sent back and forth constantly with any amount of jumps or networks in between, anybody along the route could theoretically capture the packets holding your online banking password and steal your money.
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:14]
Now why isn’t everyone’s online bank account getting hacked every day by people who get the smart idea to run packet capturing software?
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:18]
TLS, or Transfer Layer Security, encrypts your data before sending it over the network.
If anybody captures your packets while youre using TLS, then they just see a garbled mess.
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:19]
Only the recipient and sender of the packet will know what the packet contains if TLS is used.
“We Can’t Rely on the Honor System” – Doctor on CNN Demands Mask Mandates Nationwide Regardless of Vaccination Status (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published July 22, 2021 at 7:15pm
Business Insider
Biden says he asks Secret Service to keep out of his room at breakfast time because he isn't dressed
Thomas Colson
Thu, July 22, 2021, 7:18 AM·2 min read
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:19]
Now let’s think for a second about Mike Lindell’s PCAPs.
CodeMonkeyZ, [22.07.21 13:22]
If Mike Lindell has PCAPs that prove there was a cyber operation that targeted the election networks, then first we need to think about how he got the PCAPs.
If we assume TLS was enabled, then Mike Lindell would only be able to get intelligible PCAPs if the person logging the packets was either the sender, receiver, or cracked the encryption of the packets.
If Mike’s team was able to crack TLS then we will have a major problem for anybody who uses the internet.
There are man-in-the-middle techniques which could grab packets thought to be end-to-end encrypted but very few groups are in position to do so. (see: nsa, cloudflare, etc).