>I appreciate you.
>I believe the supreme laws of the land cannot be understood without the belief that others will do what is necessary to preserve them. This is not an offensive position. This is a position in defense of the right to life, liberty, and property (happiness); which is the truth of the constitution at its core.
>Provocation form external invaders or domestic infiltrators (traitors) would justify the appropriate response, and lending assistance to your neighbor in defense of their rights under the same governance is wholly justifiable in the constitution.
And, do you believe these provocative conditions have been met, so as to justify the dutiful American citizen to respond accordingly (i.e. through the use of violence)?
>Why do you think PDJT is adamant on being a counter-puncher? The law permits the enemy just enough slack to fuck their own selves in accordance with the law of the land. This the reason for the long game.
It sounds nice, in theory. But the picture looks far more bleak, I posit. I think our nation has a major corruption problem, in our courts, law enforcement, intel agencies, and now the military. The sad fact is, the law is NOT being enforced. And I think this fact is obvious to everyone. There is a clear double-standard at play. Regardless, what can the people do, besides resort to violence, when their nations institutions, created for addressing their grievances, have been eroded through corruption and politicized into weapons against them?
I'm all ears…