Anonymous ID: 1846ed It May 15, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.1419615   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I just grabbed this meme.

I was looking for a penta - lawn

It might be poison mixed with sugar?


Exit hole / Entry hole makes no sense. There's some insider drops saying it was a special fighter plane which abruptly ended the plot? By killing the perps who were located at that area of the Pentagon.

Some sites are report only "several" died?

I checked over the official namesof the killed, as they stand now, a short while ago . And from what I remember under 30 were killed. Most were young. Maybe 2 officers.


This page will outline a great number of the anomolies.



Keep it for posterity.

You only need one anomaly that is not explained to make your case!


cf "None Dare Call it Treason" Bugliosi


I think the "killing the accountants" story is disinfo.

I apologize Anons

"Haste makes Waste"