Anonymous ID: e6103a May 15, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.1419400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9417 >>9444 >>9592


When you fish, you use the appropriate rod/reel/bait for the appropriate game. As you work your way up, you need stronger rods/reels/bait. Eventually, you need things like nets (RICO) and large ships for larger game (MI and Tribunals).


You know what makes pain hurt more? Knowing it's coming. Knowing its coming is sometimes worse than the pain itself because it intensifies your sensitivity to it. You see all the fish in the barrel you live in getting caught, one by one. You see their forms of capture, their torture, and they are all pointing the finger further up the chain.


You know it leads to you. You know that your fate will be much worse because of how big you are in comparison. You know your method of capture will be the most painful and torturous.


As a side note, I find it odd that no one has drawn the correlation between the "Castle" references, Q's use of the Punisher logo, and Frank Castle (the character Punisher is based on), and what's coming.