The Red Cross should send some blankets.
Prisoners do that work.
>The olympic committee knew about covid when they awarded it to Japan IMO.
They knew about covid before the 2012 Olympic Games. Look up the show they put on that year.
Not making light of China’s flooding or anyone dying because of it.
Was making fun of our world leaders and their fake charitable organizations, like the Red Cross.
Transcribed from “Dr. David Martin gives a deposition to Reiner Fuellmich”
The following statement was made in 2015 by Peter Daszak – EcoHealth Alliance
Reported in the National Academies of Press Publication - February 12, 2016
“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process”. Occam's razor.
The 4,000+ patents issued relative to SARS coronavirus and the financing of the manipulations of coronaviruses have been reviewed by Dr. David Martin, Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance (
Based on the reported NOVEL sequences reviewed against available patent records as of the spring of 2020, over 120 patented pieces of evidence have been found to suggest that the declaration of a NOVEL coronavirus was actually an entire fallacy. “There was no NOVEL Coronavirus”. Records have been found in existing patent records of sequences attributed to novelty, going back to patents sought as early as 1999.
The first vaccine ever patented for coronaviruses was sought by Pfizer for S-Spike protein
January 28, 2000
U.S. Patent #6,372,224 – Canine Coronavirus S Gene and Uses Therefor
Assignee: Pfizer Inc. (New York, NY)
Inventors: Timothy J. Miller (Lincoln, NE), Sharon Klepfer (Broomall, PA), Albert Paul Reed (Exton, PA), Elaine V. Jones (Wynnewood, PA)
Anthony Fauci and NIAID found the malleability of coronavirus to be a potential candidate for HIV vaccines. SARS is actually not a natural progression of a zoonotic modification of coronavirus. In 1999 Anthony Fauci funded research at the UNC Chapel Hill, to create an infectious replication defective coronavirus specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. SARS. Patented on April 19, 2002 before any outbreak occurred in Asia.
Transcript (cont):
April 19, 2002
US Patent 7,279,327 NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. SARS.
This is a division of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/822,904, filed Apr. 12, 2004, and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 7,220,852 on May 22, 2007, which in turn claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/465,927 filed Apr. 25, 2003.
In violation of 35 U.S. Code § 101
Apr 12, 2004 filing by U.S. HHS and CDC
US Patent 7,220,852 Entire gene sequence which became the SARS Coronavirus
Including U.S. Provisional Patent 60/465,927 filed Apr. 25, 2003 and U.S. Patent 776,521
The U.S. patent office rejected the CDC’s patent twice on gene sequence as patentable, because the gene sequence was already in the public domain. Prior to the CDC’s filing for a patent, the patent office found 99.9% identity with the already existing coronavirus recorded in the public domain. The CDC overrode the rejection of the patent examiner and after paying an appeal fine (bribe) in 2006 and 2007, and got a patent on SARS coronavirus, and then paid an additional fee to keep their application private.
April 28, 2003 - 3 days after CDC filed SARS coronavirus Sequoia Pharmaceuticals in Maryland (Ablynx Pharmaceuticals which became rolled into the proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucell, and J&J) filed a patent on antiviral agents of treatment and control of infections by coronavirus (U.S. Patent 7,151,163 U.S. Patent 7,151,163 to treat coronavirus, was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was actually allowed (insider information - RICO).
June 5, 2008 - at the same time that DARPA took an interest in coronavirus as a bio-weapon, Ablynx, which is now part of Sanofi, filed a series of patents that specifically targeted what we have been told is novel feature of the SAR-CoV-2 virus, the polybasic cleavage site for SARS-CoV, the novel spike protein, and the ACE2 receptor binding domain, which is what we have been told is the NOVEL feature of the SARS-CoV-2
Those patents in sequence were issued between November 24, 2015, which was U.S. Patent 9,193,780 coming out after a gain of function moratorium and after the MERS outbreak in the middle east. In 2016, 2017, 2019 a series of patents all covering the RNA strands and the sub-components of the gene strands, were all issued to Ablynx and Sinofi. Numerous entities are identified in patent filings from 2008 through 2017 every attribute that was allegedly uniquely published by the single reference publication A Novel Bat Coronavirus Closely Related to SARS-CoV-2 Contains Natural Insertions at the S1/S2 Cleavage Site of the Spike Protein the paper that has been routinely used to identify the NOVEL virus, however, there are already 73 existing patents issued between 2008 and 2019 that have the elements that were allegedly claimed to be NOVEL in SARS-CoV-2 specifically as related to polybasic cleavage site, the ACE2 receptor binding domain, and the spike protein.
By 2016, the paper that was funded during the gain of function moratorium that said that the SARS coronavirus was poised for human emergence, written by Ralph Baric, was not only poised for human emergence, but it was patented for commercial exploitation 73 times. This has nothing to do with a pathogen that was released, and every study that has ever been launched to try to verify a lab leak is a red herring. 73 patents on everything clinically NOVEL all issued before 2019.
Transcript (cont):
Apr 19, 2002
U.S. Patent 7,279,327
Methods for producing recombinant nature of lung targeting coronavirus
was transferred mysteriously from the UNC at Chapel Hill to the National Institutes of Health in 2018. Under the U.S. Bayh–Dole Act, the US government has a march-in right provision which means if the U.S. Government has paid for research, they are entitled to benefit from that research at their demand or at their whim. In 2017 and 2018 the NIH has to take ownership of the patent that they already had rights to held by the UNC Chapel Hill, and ensure it was legally enforceable by the single patent required to develop the vaccine research institutes mandate, which was shared in November 2019 between UNC Chapel Hill and Moderna when UNC Chapel Hill, NIAID, and Moderna began the sequencing of a spike protein vaccine, which was a month before an outbreak happened.
Merck introduced the “The New Normal” campaign, which was to get people to accept a universal pan-influenza pan-coronavirus vaccine, January 6, 2004 during a conference called SARS and Bio-Terrorism. The branded campaign was then adopted by the WHO and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was the board upon which the Chinese director of the CDC, Bill Gates’ Dr. Chris Elias of the Gates Foundation, and Anthony Fauci sat together on that Board of Directors.
In March 2019, Moderna amended a series of rejected patent filings to specifically make reference to a deliberate or accidental release of coronavirus. In March amended and revived 4 previously failed patent application to begin the process of a coronavirus vaccine development, which added a statement referencing the potential of an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen. Moderna then began dealing with the problem of relying on technology that they did not own. Two Canadian pharmaceutical companies Arbutus Biopharma and Arcturus Therapeutics own the patent on the lipid nanoparticle envelope required to deliver injection of mRNA fragment. Tried to negotiate the resolution of the technology to put into the vaccine. In November they entered into a cooperative research development agreement with UNC Chapel Hill with respect to getting the spike protein to put inside of the lipid nanoparticle. Allegedly, there was a candidate vaccine before we had a pathogen.
What makes that particular phrase inserted in the amendment problematic is, it is exactly recited in the book A World at Risk, which is the scenario put together by the WHO in September of 2019. So, months before there is an alleged pathogen which says that we need to have a coordinated global experience of a respiratory pathogen release, which by September 2020, must put in place a universal capacity for public relations management, crowd control, and the acceptance of a universal vaccine mandate”. The language of an intentional release of a respiratory pathogen was written into the scenario that “must be completed by September 2020”. This is the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s unified statement.
There are 117 existing US patents with specifically the ACE2 receptor targeting mechanism for SARS coronavirus. There is nothing new and it has not been new, it is in publications going back to 2008 in the weaponization conferences that took place in Slovenia, in Europe all across Europe, and all across the DARPA infrastructure. We’ve known about that since 2013, its isolation and amplification.
Any assertion that this pathogen is somehow unique or novel, falls apart on the actual gene sequences which are published in the patent record, and then more egregiously falls apart in the fact that we have Peter Daszak himself stating that we have to create public hype to get the public to accept the medical countermeasure of a pan-coronavirus vaccine. What makes that most ludicrous is the fact that the WHO had declared coronavirus a dead interest in 2008, stating that we had eradicated coronavirus as a concern.