Israel promotes Graphene oxide and making it mandatory
This man killed millions of people much more then 6 million people.
It is anti semtic to say bad things of these jewish leaders Stalin Lenin and Mao killed 100 million people.
Do these people defend CCP China or stalins russia ?
Why did Fauci give the CCP military in china funding ?
Criticizing is not anti antisemitism
Israel PM murders with forced vaccination of Israel Fashion designer
Americans stand with us constitution and criticize anyone we want ?
Even the semites if there are any left
>The American Jewish Congress
promoting free speech and our first amendment rights to protect CCP China Maos China and Stalins Communism ..
Now you know who the real anti americans are and they are communists !!!
>The American Jewish Congress
are against the US constitution and the first Amendment
Perhaps they should move to CCP china or Cuba and find a communist coumtry they love
American Jewish Congress is now the Communist Jewish Congress banning free speech
Did their synagogues support BLM antifa ?
One line for vaccinated one line for non vaccinated
Did Israel make him where a bracelet ?
Mao's American Jewish Congress
Anti American Jewish Congress pull your support
Why are we giving money to Israel to fund a vaccine that kills people ?
Israel killing the corona virus
Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bombshell: CCP is Creating Bioweapons that Target by RACE
It is not a secret that the Chinese Communist Party has been obsessed for years with collecting DNA from around the world.
There has been speculation that they wanted it for the sake of their bioweapons program, but limited evidence has escaped their iron grip to make this more than a mere conspiracy theory.
Now, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and other members of Congress have heard evidence from famous Chinese defector Dr. Li-meng Yan who has direct knowledge of the bioweapons program under Beijing’s control. This from
According to Dr. Li-meng, the CCP is actively developing bioweapons with capabilities far beyond Covid-19. MTG says Covid-19 was just the first to be released. Future variants of this and other diseases will be bioengineered to attack people based upon their DNA. In other words, they will only infect certain races.
Congressman Mo Brooks responded to the debriefing by dropping a press release accusing the Chinese Communist Party of manufacturing Covid-19. He did not mention DNA or race-based bioweapons. As noted at The Liberty Daily:
Dr. Li-meng Yan has made her rounds across international media. Most won’t interview her; CNN and MSNBC pretend she doesn’t exist. But in the last year she has appeared on Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s show, several podcasts, and a handful of international shows. Despite all this, she has had a hard time getting an audience with American politicians.
“So they’re making these bioweapons,” she continued. “Here’s what scares me: You know why they’re so interested in your DNA? Why they want genetics? They want to target these bioweapons by race. If they can target bioweapons by race, that means they can create these viruses that can say, take out white Americans, black Americans, or Asians.”
This matches conspiratorial speculation that has accused China, the United States, Russia, Israel, Germany, and even Iran of engaging in race-specific bioweapons research.
just like the nazi and the jews killing a race with CCP china and Israel
Is this why American Jewish Congress is trying to hush Green
Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bombshell: CCP is Creating Bioweapons that Target by RACE
American Jewish Fund trying to kill americans and a race ? Attacking the first Amendment ?
Attacking the Constitution ? Are they funding this race killing Bio weapon from CCP China ?
Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bombshell: CCP is Creating Bioweapons that Target by RACE
It is not a secret that the Chinese Communist Party has been obsessed for years with collecting DNA from around the world.
23 and me ? isnt the ceo jewish ? does she fund American Jewish Congress ?
DNA bio weapons attacking race ?
“So they’re making these bioweapons,” she continued. “Here’s what scares me: You know why they’re so interested in your DNA? Why they want genetics? They want to target these bioweapons by race. If they can target bioweapons by race, that means they can create these viruses that can say, take out white Americans, black Americans, or Asians.”
Attacking on american white male with bio weapons