all lies from andre merlescu in the screen cap with the possible exception of SMG
Andre Merlescu has pumped up CCS from his MJ12 account on telegram, which has a go fund me by DJ and JASON. CCS is a subsidiary of Ingersoll Lockwood.
https://t.me/s/therealmj12 06/21/2012
Here DJ Nicke is an advocate of Project Apario
“Project Apario is a breath of fresh air for anyone who has ever tried researching the JFK Assassination Records only to discover that all 500,000+ pages were not searchable. With Project Apario, even the most classified secrets withheld from the public are easily discoverable when you search the term ‘Top Secret’,” said DJ Nicke, a collaborator and advocate of Project Apario. “Project Apario is a necessary tool for an informed democracy in the digital age.”
So Andrei Merlescu is a big fucken lying piece of shit