> Caesar Augustus
GEOTUS is not a Caesar.
He is a Cincinnatus
He wields power because he must, not because he wants it, and he will put it down when he's done.
Not a Tyrant or King, not a Kaiser or Tsar.
Trump by birth, GEOTUS by merit.
> You know how they got rid of cows
> People will be next
Uh oh, looks like the goyim know.
And it's too-late to shut down.
> Fren doesn't know that the month of August is named after Augustus Caesar
I understood the reference, and I went beyond.
I don't play 4D chess, fren, but I can recognize when others do.
Not going to expose the entire truth
And that is why this movement will go beyond the Team's plans.
Once we know and can prove that we're being deceived, nobody will trust anything about the government ever again.
We need 100% disclosure, or trust will be lost forever.
> Generals should be focused on defeating America's enemies.
Frens, the generals are America's enemies.
> Washington was a mason
And the Constitutions was one of their tricks.
So was the Declaration of Independence.
They got us to stop fighting against them, and got us to start fighting for them.
It's a trick.
All of it.
> Write a better constitution
Yeah, actually, I can write a better contract.
All that is necessary is for the contract to be entered into voluntarily, and to enforce the terms of that contract.
The current contract, 'Muh Constitution, is not voluntary and is not enforced.
It was forced on us.
And we held up our end of the deal.
But we were betrayed.
Fraud is endemic.
And fraud vitiates everything.