Haven't watched the speech yet, what is the fascination with this lady? Did she speak?
Why is this such a surprise. The jab gives you a mild form of the virus, or at least a spike protien that looks like the virus. Of COURSE it should trip a positive Covid test, since thoese fucking tests are so amplified. This is why the CDC wanted to lower the PCR threshold for vaccinated people.
The entire thing is a corrupt fucking disaster of information. We may never know the actual numbers. Good advice to your son is to say fuck all to any test results.
The Mark will be a visual identifier of a control system.
The jab itself may very well be the trigger for this, but by itself the jab is not the Mark. Once in the Beast system, people would in theory be required to receive many such jabs, would they not? Reliance on the Mark for buying and selling will compel all sorts of behavior.
But you are goin on and on about why the vaccine is the Mark, and it makes you look like a moran. Stop shilling your point already, we get it.
Yes yes, please show us some pics of the mark on the hand or forehead, from those who have received the jab. We'll wait.
As I said, you're a shill. Can't prove shit, just argue over your point relentlessly.
Once people receive their luciferase tattoo or some shit, THAT will be the mark. But please continue to regale us with your intelligence.