Anonymous ID: 94086e July 25, 2021, 1:50 p.m. No.14197866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7953

I don't see why we are afraid of things like job losses, etc. Maybe that's partly because I lost so much some time ago. It seems we might want to help ourselves and others OUT of the system that is failing and trying to control and kill people all at the same time.


I've been freegan before, I've use phone books for toilet tissue (put it in a can by the stool, don't flush!) and at one time when I was complaining to God about a lack of money He told me I didn't need money I needed the things money buys.


In my area there are quarts maybe even gallons of blackberries growing wild along a public access trail. No reason not to harvest and make something with them (I only made alcohol once by accident).


The "pandemic" caused me to save money, so I'd be glad to spot someone rent for a bit if they were under threat by a "mad vaxxer".


Why don't we pull together.


You don't even NEED grocery stores!