It’s a horrible song. Always a message from 45. Never understood why it was played.
Probably ymca’s turned into human trafficking centers. Poor kids go, the song even promotes it, and then kids end up in some weird persons basement as a sex toy. That’s what anon would guess
Agreed. Didn’t feel the need for myself to take my brain to that place. Too painful to always ponder that stuff honestly. Anons know
Anon would do it to save kids but it would be horrific and am content being a retard so no agency would hire anon to do it. Like the story of the “insurance file”. Sidney said people puked. Probably life long suffering on their end
But also the song should be thrown in the trash. It’s like a back-ally wedding dj doing gigs for $100 song
Kim’s sister may be in on part of it. Don’t think all but anon thinks she may be a character with a bigger role later in the movie. Also Melania. Anon thinks she has a huge role and is the biggest “sleeper”. One gorillion IQ and knows 9 spoken languages. Does she know other “languages”? Perhaps MI code/shorthand? Just a thought and spitballing. Also who was given the soccer ball by Putin? Who was the ball said to be given to? That’s another person.
>IDK how to take the Swastika back, that's a tough one
Agreed. It’s a shame things are turned upside down to steal original meaning. Anon has always known but would assume if the world found out everything is a lie they would all need to be in a mental ward so the recreation of things could be easy but anon thinks what is discussed here in general would literally kill people just from knowing info. Not sure how it all unfolds. Just waking up each day is an accomplishment at this point in the movie.
Got reprimanded by an “anon” once for a theory. Anon may have accidentally figured it out. Don’t really wanna get yelled at again but it’s quite interesting if true