Maybe substitute bin Salman for Modi.
"From these stones I can raise up sons of Abraham". After creating Adam and Eve, surely he could create more.
Oh My. msnbc (Alicia Mendenez with guests) are talking about the Buzzfeed (who would have thunk) story on how much the FBI infiltrated, organized and paid for the ring which planned to take down Stretchen Gretchen. It's like they can't help themselves.
Makes me remember Q's last posts. 'It had to be this way' (nothing's changed, it has to be this way). and 'nothing can stop what is coming. Have to get it through our thick sculls, the war has been won. I know, it ain't easy, we been fighting for 4 years, maybe more. Some never left their battle stations. It's over.
First of all Putin was a Patriot, Second, he's one very smart man. Nothing's changed, he's still a patriot. In fact, one day, we will find that we Americans and the Russians are the best of friends, and always have been.
Remember, before the wall fell, when Putin was in Dresden, Hillary was going for the kill, and there was not Trump,