They can inject all the mnra signature / graphene oxide nanotech they want. Trump had all the Huawei 5g transmitters removed. The genocide machine has been rendered inoperable. Thanks President Trump. Gov Ron D. - don't gloat. Stay neutral.
What organs dispose of waste in the human bodies? Look at the vaccine death autopsies of blood clot / seizure. Look where the blood clots came from - kidney / liver, where the graphene oxide is gathered for elimination from the body.
Neon Cowboy with the right 5g trigger signal in kidneys liver - blood clots instant dehydration. What's sick is all the elites already know… They stay away from 5g…
The Mask -
Discipline, Duty, Honor - Anons took one for the team with masks and because of that 'contribution' (discipline and duty to wear mask to avoid confrontation) we avoided a 'fracture' in our society, which as you know we value unity above all. Now, the people we did not fight over the mask are coming to our side after realizing the farce they've been sold.
Never underestimate the evolution of your base that is currently underway anons. United not divided - very important and anons are making it happen.
Spidey sense kicking in
I keep hearing 'Christmas in July'
It's everywhere. Hmmm
Coming soon to a Country near you
For the first time in a long time the spiritual world is happy with the extent of the awakening. Learning not to fear change is happening much much faster than planned.
So goes America, so goes the world.
#AZAudit very big, very important.
Look at Tucson - They're getting very nervous. They never thought she'd lose.
Hint to diggers - Tucson is Maricopa on steroids. If Maricopa and Tucson(Pima County) were mines, Tucson would be the gold mine and Maricopa would be the copper mine. Plus? Pima County Sheriff WILL turn over routers…
Arizona is just in it's infancy anons.
If you find massive fraud in Maricopa County in the 2020 Election you can't stop there as a State.
Hello Flagstaff, Tucson, Prescott. Your cheating ways are about to catch up to you.
Arizona - Gold Standard. Just getting started defining it. Restoral of State Rights coming. This is about more than just the election.
Might be crumbs tonight. Put the coffee pot on.
8ball says future looks cloudy
This week is going to be off the hook. Waiting for the inevitable clues tonight. Good good vibes.
At the exact right time. Dan the Man. My hero. Serious…
I think it's important to hear this:
We are right where we need to be, where we planned to be and where God has placed us. Anons did a lot of heavy lifting and should be applauded. Civ / Mil collaboration
I had a dog and BINGO was his name.
Lord build in us the greatness you wish us to use to awaken the world to a new dawn of every human being the Captain of their own destiny. Give us strength courage and wisdom to take control of our own lives Lord. Amen
Life and Sprit last a long time in this universe and one thing I can tell you for sure - Anons have enriched their lives by going through the difficulty of embracing the truth unvarnished. Anons are rich beyond measure with wealth that this realm doesn't even comprehend. Anons were chosen to come here and they did the job BIG TIME
Do you know why there are no more false flags? Because anons decode them before the FakeNews can get the narrative kick started. Anons you have no idea the shit you're pulling now…
All the FBI / CIA assets that did all the falseflags like OKC and 911? They don't take calls anymore. They know Patriots are in control. The Cabal is quickly running out of ammo.
Afghanistan pullout - Q+ message to us. Wise up anons. It's all happening right now.