GMOs: Learn to Like Them
GMOs: Learn to Like Them
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You know, I had this dream a few nights ago. I was a little kid outside with these people (I didn't know who they were), and I sat outside in a beautiful garden and I watched all these different birds flying into the garden and feeding off of the birdfeeder.
Later on (in my dream), I was trapped inside a cage. I couldn't move and I couldn't speak. The cage was tight around me and held me straight up. My mouth was tied shut.
It was dark in the room, and then the lights slowly came up (kind of like the Sun rising in the morning). As the light came up, I could see that the room I was in was made to look like a garden and I was hanging from a cage in the middle of that room "garden". Just a foot or two off the floor. I dangled there for hours as the lights in the room slowly got brighter. Then the sound of birds chirping and singing started, just like I heard outside in the actual garden.
Then I saw these people all in bird costumes and feathers come out flapping their wings and dancing around the cage I was in.
I couldn't see their faces, they all had bird masks on.
As they flapped their wings and pretended to fly around me as I hung in the cage, one of them (dressed like a hummingbird) came right up to my cage, right up to my face and stood there and stared into my eyes for a few minutes.
I started to really get scared.
And then, the HummingBird Man, stabbed his "beak" into my shoulder and I tried to cry out in pain, but couldn't do it! I wanted to runaway…but I could not moved! I was stuck in that fucking cage!
Anway, all of those BirdPeople had special masks; and they had these stainless steel straw/needle mouthpieces hidden inside their beaks. They were like giant hypodermic needles (maybe like a modified embalming needle that was attached to their mouths like a straw, but they didn't have to hold it).
I realized that the birdfeeder was me as they flapped there wings and pricked me with their "beaks".
Yeah…that was a fucked up dream and it made me wonder if that actually ever happened?