[They] are re-grouping…again…to try a 'different' identical playbook to divide the public mind.
What we could do is assign a unique Godel Number to every character, axiom, and statement they post on qresearch.
There's an infinite supply of prime numbers so we'll never run out of information to code their entire narrative for now and forever.
Each Godel Number can be uniquely translated back to the narrative, one to one, it's an isomorphic coding system.
There are complex systems, like Principia Mathematica, and the ZLM system, that we could talk about, but the shill's system is so primitive and shallow that the axioms they use necessarily results in internal inconsistencies.
One axiom they use is that human consciousness is divided into logically incompatible 'us' vs. 'them' information sources that necessarily determines oppositions within populations of consciousnesses of race vs. race, religion vs. religion, class vs. class, sex vs sex, political affiliation vs. political affiliation, etc.
The absolutely proved logical outcome of starting with an axiom of internal contradiction is that ANY statement can be 'proved true' out of that system.
In other words, the Dem Playbook is totally useless in the pursuit of anything real about reality, all it does is increase division where none was before.
A lot of the resulting division we see today is a consequence of statement generators adhering to the axiom that humanity 'is' divided.
See the axiom for what it is, and the entire communist/fascist playbook collapses.