Was about to ask why anons were posting in the Oz bread.
Need more covfefe… kek! Morning everyone.
Was about to ask why anons were posting in the Oz bread.
Need more covfefe… kek! Morning everyone.
Have anons got their local food sources in place? I keep harping about this…people near you who don’t care if you wear a mask or not.
Or fake vax
That’s perfect! I’d say also make sure you have at least two or three ways to cook. We have wood, propane and I bought a solar oven (makes great bread). In general I’ve got two ways to do everything. Don’t forget basics like alcohol, peroxide, etc. Daily I try a new task without using any electricity. The key is to feel comfortable because panic is def not working in anyone’s favor during strange times.
While it’s important to be prepped, the other factor is to wean…to see what you can do without, if needed. You quickly learn what’s truly important to survive.
Also, like minded people who you can trust. Next to food and water, this is KEY. It’s fucking infuriating that we even have to discuss this, really, but it’s important to just be prepared in general…and not think short term. How long could you go.. would you barely survive, or thrive? I have faith in anons though.
Good! And thx for reminding me I need a filter. Maybe a berkey.
.. whoa. Will watch. Nice.
T y. I wonder how it does on stream water?
Interesting. Well, as long as it’s potable..
It should? We have the same issue. A well, but electric pump. Have a generator but always need to think of alternatives.
Good stuff. The beauty of it is you can do this stuff always and it many cases save money too. Being self-sufficient is always worth striving for. It loosens your bonds to the overlords (whatever they may be to you).
Yes. Let me charge up my solar abacus first.
Here’s mine. I first tried to make one but couldn’t get a tight seal so I bought one. It’s made in IL, not china! I’ve spent the past few months getting familiar with it and it works really well. It will purify water but it has to be a hot day and limited by the size of the interior so good for heating 4 c max. It dehydrates food too. You can’t fry stuff though, if that’s important. For that you’d need a parabolic type (like a magnifying glass idea).