Republican lawmakers at the state and federal level need to step up 1000X and hammer Biden on Covid Surge and economic malaise.
Reverse the Dem playbook - Potus would be getting hammered if he oversaw this debacle.
Republican lawmakers at the state and federal level need to step up 1000X and hammer Biden on Covid Surge and economic malaise.
Reverse the Dem playbook - Potus would be getting hammered if he oversaw this debacle.
Will unions go along?
Will emergency service workers revolt?
Will the African Americans and Latinos comply?
Will they use the useless PCR tests?
What test is Israel supposedly using to confirm CV in the first place let alone distinguish the Delta and Delta+ variants?
As of now FDA admits PRC test flawed making EVERY CV diagnosis null and void.
I hate these niggers.
He's talking about minorities.
Ignore that douchebag - just shitposting anti POTUS BS.
They're going after minorities in public housing.
Of course they did.
if they're so afraid of bullying and want sunlight - why doesn't CDC publish actual cases, hospitalizations and deaths of those vaxed?
Yeah I thought so. Fucking hypocritical pussies.
too - Einstein
He's got Nadler sauce.