That'd be hilarious if they did make it though, instead of being held accountable they just gtfo..
Even better if we launched a missile that took several months but eventually caught up with them.
That'd be hilarious if they did make it though, instead of being held accountable they just gtfo..
Even better if we launched a missile that took several months but eventually caught up with them.
You know what'd be really cool?
If something ackchually habbened.
Hard fail Arabic.. I don't know for certain, but probably greek, too.
I see those things, obviously thanks a lot, but its all humbug til we get arrests.
I'm just bitching.. the slow wheels of justice do seem to be in motion.. i've just got about a decade of disappointment behind me… at this point I understand hype is necessary even when just hype, but fuck its trying some days..
If you're talking real raw news stories, i'll pass..
Agreed, the bad jews are worse than the bad non-jews.. because they're better at it, like most intellectual endeavors, jews are just better at them.. Makes them naturally "sinister" to their competitors... and compounded by the fact that the actual sinister ones are really fucking sinister.
Since I already probably look like a shill on this board.. I'll just bitch once more that turning point made a really poor choice here with the camera angle and the backdrop.. bothered me during half the speech.