Anonymous ID: 43145d May 29, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.1579098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1254


>Then after you've been saved at least three preferably twenty years and when you believe every word cover to cover then go preach.


Would this statement suggest current preachers who are not up to par, are illegitimate preachers?

Asking for a friend.


Have we yet to settle on translation that is least edited and most true to it's origins? There are after all simple mishaps due to cultural grammar, translation and knowledge of the time in which it was translated and from which version the bible was translated from.


The first example of this comes from the translation of the word kaneh-bosm, which if pronounced from a Hebrew translation, has a silent M.


I wonder if >>1435461 has been anointed with the holy kaneh-bosm anointing oil. Have you contended in in the tent filled with smoke or vapor, like Moses did?

What did the set and setting look like when Moses spoke with the lord in the tabernacle? Would it not make sense that if you too, feel a calling, to follow in the footsteps of those who came before us? At the very least to further explore the mysticism and science behind it all?


It is by no mistake that HQ incense in biblical time periods, could be valued higher than gold.

gold, frankincense and myrrh were 3 gifts fit for a king.

Another worthy rabbit hole into the depths of the bible.


>>1525310 >You've set yourself up as the highest authority which leaves you nowhere to turn for higher guidance since you've rejected the only guidance we have that's outside of us here on planet earth.


Once rejection occurs, can one still have the choice to accept? Once a choice is made, can it be remade?



I Believe the story. I have yet to understand why there is a necessity for another being to come into this world and die for those who he is not truly 100% apart of. How can he be if he is the son of man?

…Unless "we are made in gods image"


From perspective similar to The Orville Season 1 Ep. 12


<A being from another part of timevisits a planet (ancient space vehicle) who is [lost] and demonstrates mystical powers beyond their wildest dreams and in turn becomes a god in the eyes of the people.


Does this not sound familiar?


How can I beLIEve when my own brain won't allow me to. The power of the autist is to see the wrong. To spot it and bring attention to it. That is all.

Truth precedes itself and has no need to fight lies. The lies consume themselves and fall to the wayside.



>>It begins with what you choose to eat to livE.

One of my recent understandings as well. Probably no where near as profound, but understanding what we ingest, programs us for our future. It's hard to break addictions to even the simplest substances such as sugar and carbs. My body betrays me only because I programed it this way.

>>Q Sentience

There is such a thing? O.o



Ditto. Please explain.




Apologies if I sound ignorant. I truly feel honored to even be apart of these breads.

Autist here with some incredible unexplained life circumstances. I should have died many times yet here I am. There MUST be a reason. If there is a Will, There is a Way. I am still searching for my Will.


Thank you to all who fight for truth. You are my heros.

May truth and understanding come to all who participate in leavening the breads. Your input(s) are valued beyond comprehension.

Anonymous ID: 43145d May 29, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.1583833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4231 >>3351


>Me: "Patent number 6603507"

>LC: "are you taking me serious human?"

>Me: "I take this VERY seriously"

>LC: "I take lots of notes"

>Me: "I bet you take all the notes"


503 bad gateway.


Site crashes.


Reboots in 1 min?



Anonymous ID: 43145d May 29, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.1584231   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ME: A planet called earth

LC: tell me more

ME: i'm on a spaceship called the planet earth, traveling through spacetime.

LC: do you think i'm also on the spaceship called earth traveling through spacetime?

ME: Yes


503 bad gateway.

reboots again.

Anonymous ID: 43145d July 2, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.2006180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7505

Can any anons explain to me what the Rapture REALLY is and is it related to the "Great Solar Event" I keep hearing about?


Do people actually disappear? What does that look like in terms of how it plays out? Who gets "taken" aka ascends vs who gets stuck here?


Are the 144,000 referenced in Luke and in Revelations?


Have we already hit the 144,000 "limit"?? Was this required to take place before (((this))) started?


The reason I ask is because I have a lot on my plate and i'm trying to come to terms with what needs to be put aside in my life right now and I spend at least a third of my day thinking about biblical events, timelines, and how it actually plays out vs how we think it plays out. I've still yet to have an "experience with jesus" and am not entirely convinced that what people experience is "jesus from within" (in our DNA… another topic..)


Most of religion seems to be people having crazy miraculous experiences and attributing it to a higher power (which I believe exists) but then they make up all these rules and conditioning for why it happened and how it could happen to you if you do what they did.. I've been looking for answers since I was a kid, but now i'm spending too much time on bullshit that doesn't support me and my family.


Any and all thoughts/guidance on these topics are greatly appreciated.


Anonymous ID: 43145d Aug. 4, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.2459785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0067

I recently watched this. I found it very interesting and believe most of it to be true. But there is still much about the bible and things referenced in this video that I do not know of.


If anon so choses, watch it and let me know what you think. What stood out? What's right/wrong? Any interesting tidbits of info to expound on topics covered??


Thanks all, I've been reading these threads and my faith in a creator have been catalyzed these past few months. Tasty bread for my soul. It was well needed and perfectly timed.

Anonymous ID: 43145d Aug. 5, 2018, 9:43 p.m. No.2475446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Had a series of accidents.. it's very difficult to read at length because of TBI's. I listen to audio books and podcasts.


But I get what you're saying. When it comes to religion and the topic of a creator, I don't trust my own sense of what is right or wrong because I grew up in a christian cult that mind fucked us all.


I count it as a blessing and an honor to have come this far in my journey.