Anonymous ID: 2442a2 July 27, 2021, 1:53 a.m. No.14206837   🗄️.is 🔗kun



4 or 9


The queen bee's abdomen is longer than the worker bees surrounding her and also longer than a male bee's. Even so, in a hive of 60,000 to 80,000 honey bees, it is often difficult for beekeepers to find the queen with any speed; for this reason, many queens in non-feral colonies are marked with a light daub of paint on their thorax.The paint usually does not harm the queen and makes her easier to find when necessary.


Although the color is sometimes randomly chosen, professional queen breeders use a color that identifies the year a queen hatched, which helps them to decide whether their queens are too old to maintain a strong hive and need to be replaced. The mnemonic taught to assist beekeepers in remembering the colour order is Will You Raise Good Bees (white, yellow, red, green, blue).

Anonymous ID: 2442a2 July 27, 2021, 2:50 a.m. No.14206965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6984

Silence. On the edge

of the forest no sound

of words pronounced

do I hear; but the sound

of newer words

that speak in drops and foliage

from afar.

Listen. Rain 🎵

falls from sparse clouds.

Rain on the tamerisks

all brine and chars,

rain on the pines

all scales and spines,

rain on the myrtaceae


on the genista fulgent

of flowers collected

on the juniper covered

with berries fragrant,

rain on our faces


rain on our hands


on our garments


on our thoughts bright

that our souls share


on the lovely tale

that yesterday

misled you, that today misleads me…..