you needed digits?
but it does have a heirarchy. and the c-suite, board of directors of pharma, food/biotech, big tech, usury, and media, & foundation, NPO/NGO heads and boards all share kinship.
do jew see that now miss?
dna database of ALL prior tests, pregnancy, pcr, blood, etc etc
truth does not discredit. kick rocks clown.
we need no credit. truth stands.
jews run/manage every aspect of the global human livestock plantation aka babylon. all credit to them.
anon have no paybook, nor does anon have blinders or feelies that could be hurt. Everything anon stated is fact. Start with the first image posted. this is war faggot. those industries and their (((heads))) are a significant element of your enemy. you give a fuck how they or anyone feels when their control and crimes are showcased, guess which side you reveal yourself to be on? your actions and fruits are the opposite of revealing the truth that is unspoken but far from hidden.
where are the actions that illustrate this bullshit as being something other than a personal illusion?