>Motion filed
Slow down with the BRT headline bs.
This is just a motion.
The judge has yet to rule on it.
Good news and step in the right direction tho.
It has been slower than usual on here - even by QR 2021 standards.
I'm having no issues, but apparently a bunch of other Anons like you have/are.
Just how pervasive is this issue right now?
Feels bad man wondering wtf a bunch of Anons are yapping about when things are fine on my end.
>till zombie npc fucks wake up
Based on accelerated habbenings I don't think a tipping point is that far off now.
Keep in mid that:
The majority is censored and threatened with cancel culture so what they think is muted/cautiously expressed
The minority is gaslit into seeming like the majority since they dominate the comms via the Deep State machine.
Muh feelz say it's just 1 seemingly small trigger away from going D5 Max Precipice.
The media only tells the stories of the extreme <1%.
There's a vast 99% out there that don't make the news where all the true cultural tells are.