Good morning, Sam.
Good morning, Swordy.
Well, since Bidan is using the tough language on the antivax crowd, it's clear that the mil is setting the vax side up to fail. People keep falling for stupid setup after stupid setup. Remember when the leftists gloated that trump was going to be indicted? Led out of the white house in cuffs after impeachment? This is that all over again. They will try but the vax narrative is already failing. Vaxxed are dropping like flies. The 30% who voted for Bidan will soon be 10% . All we have to do is outlive them. Grab an orange juice, some vit D, zinc, and get some sun. They're too outnumbered to do anything too stupid. Get comfy.
Beware of posters with chicken little 'the sky is falling' narratives. Beware of posters using God against others instead of praying to him. We are here to build each other up, not tear each other down. Frens don't let frens fall down.
>Fair point, fren.
>I had a black pill day yesterday and it doesnโt help crying over spilled milk.
>I just hope Trump and the military wrap this this up before the summer is over. God only knows what harm this vax is gonna do to people for generations to come.
I hope so too. This has been way too long already. The sterilized will serve as warnings to the rest for decades to come. Our kids will wonder how we made it through.
I got almost through it. But the liberal logic is so twisted that even he trips over himself. A "man of science" who can't figure out men and men and women are women, and why we shouldn't just go willy nilly instead of rational organization. They honestly, at his intellect level, know that what they are saying is wrong. But virtue signaling and being a celebrity is more important than preventing the corruption of minors. That's the decision he (and so many others) make. Dems threw the 52% of the nation (women) under the bus to virtue signal to under 5% who participate in lbgtqb-ism.