Vaccine shill alert…
Cum bandit / baby killer
Exactly!!! I would be moar afraid of catching Hep C in San Francisco than anything else!
You’re assuming A LOT!!! Doesn’t it ever dawn on you Alcoholics that it might not be such a good thing that your lives revolve around alcohol and you basically live to get drunk?
Alcohol The Deadliest Drug
Opioids are taking the news headlines by storm, and rightfully so, as we are living amongst a deadly opioid overdose epidemic here in the U.S. People are dying from prescription pills every day, and we cannot do enough to reduce the number of these deaths. However, what we don’t hear enough about is alcohol and how deadly it is. Alcohol is the most socially acceptable drug on the market and the most easily accessible. Even with this knowledge, the general public still has a tendency to believe alcohol is ok, not dangerous, and an acceptable form of relaxation. Science tells us something different. Alcohol is the deadliest drug of all. Let’s look at why this is true…
>Take your pills with your alcohol, it's the American way.
Exactly, these assholes come on the board ragging on cannabis not know they are melting their insides everyday with Big Pharma pills and alcohol. Fucking Brian Dead Morans!!!
Then don’t come on the board bro trying to tell intelligent individuals that they are stoners who are ruining their lives. Go have a drink and relax, while your liver rots…
News flash both Jesus/Yeshua and Moses smoked POT and the Holy Anointing Oil recipe in the Bible calls for 9 Shekels of Kaneh-Bosm which is 16 Pounds of WEED!
Google it bitch I’m right as rain…
What do you think Moses was doing in that tent while speaking to G-d?
I’d rather be a right tard than an ignorant moran…
Do some research faggot